
Camping with dogs



Campsites are set to reopen across the UK from the 4th July and reports suggest they are likely to be packed out as travel abroad is still restricted. Camping can be a great dog-friendly holiday where dogs can share all aspects of your holiday allowing for some great bonding experiences and of course a lot of fun together. However, there are some pitfalls of which at Gilbertson & Page we have some personal experience of!

  • Excessive barking (all night). The new environment, unfamiliar sounds and excitement of other dogs nearby can all have their effect on your dog. Our best suggestions are to arrive early so dogs are more familiar with the campsite and try a good long walk in the early evening to tire them out. 
  • Bed stealing. Making sure your dog is comfortable and warm enough either within your tent or their own is important, bed stealing when you are all at ground level & sharing a small space is more likely. 
  • Running off. Campsites have lots of open spaces with easy access to walks and countryside which your dog will love exploring. A stake to tie your dog’s lead to can be a good solution for any time that your attention is elsewhere. Also ensure you have an up to date ID tag and your dog is microchipped in case he wanders too far.
  • Scavenging other campers food or your own. Canvas isn’t as good as a cupboard door at preventing determined dogs so this can be more of a problem when camping. Aside from upsetting other campers, there is also the likelihood of picking up something they shouldn’t eat and becoming unwell. Keeping your dog on a lead whenever you leave your pitch and keeping food up high and in picnic boxes are some ways to prevent this.
  • Dog poo in inappropriate places (other pitches, communal areas etc). Keeping poo bags handy at all times and a close eye on where your dog is at all times, should help to keep this problem under control.